Often known as the “information highway” of our bodies, the spinal cord allows for information from the brain to travel to all areas of the body. When vertebrae are fractured or otherwise suffer damage, it can result in difficulty with all levels of motor function. Spinal cord injuries can involve partial paralysis, paraplegia and quadriplegia.

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) states that in most cases, injuries to the spine occur from a “sudden, traumatic blow.” In most spine injuries, the axons (long fibers which work to transmit pieces of information via electrical signals) will be crushed. When axons suffer damage in a spinal cord injury, it can be impossible for the spine to fully recover.

The following are also considered symptoms of a spinal injury:

  • Extreme pain and pressure in the lower back, neck or head
  • Weakness, numbness and tingling
  • Inability to control bladder or bowels
  • Problems with balancing or coordination
  • Difficulty breathing
  • An odd positioning of the neck or back
  • Complete loss of movement or sensation

Spinal cord injuries are lifetime injuries that require extensive rehabilitation. Identifying all potential sources of liability insurance and directing you to resources that help structure your recovery in order to provide a lifetime of care is essential. When dealing with spinal cord injuries it is crucial that the claim include a prognosis of all the future medical costs.

To seek further information regarding a spinal cord injury contact the Todd Law Firm at 512-472-7799.

David Todd
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